Why It Works
The Time/Design System is more effective than other organizers on the market because it is based on a logical and realistic process of self-management or focus management, not time-management. You can’t manage time, you can only manage yourself. No matter what you do, there will still be only 24 hours in a day. When we talk about time management, what we really mean is the management of commitments, communication, and information. If you think about all the "stuff" in your life (your calendar, your to-do list, and all the things you’re carrying around in your mind), every item is probably either:
• a commitment you’ve made to someone or they’ve made to you,
• some type of communication to you or from you (phone, letter, voicemail, email),
• or a piece of information you need to decide how to handle.
And no matter how hard you try, cramming all of these things onto a calendar just isn’t effective.
This is where Time/Design will help. The Time/Design management tools and process combine to create an effective "self-management system" that encompasses commitments, communication, and information in a way that makes things easy to access and act upon.
The Overview Presentation will give you a more detailed introduction to the Time/Design system and why it works. It will probably take you approximately 30 minutes to watch. When you’ve finished, we think you’ll agree that if you have a fast-paced life, Time/Design just makes sense. Click here to begin."