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  • Time/Design Work/Life Reality Checks

    1. Simple Challenges call for simple solutions.
    2. Life is too short not to have one.
    3. Your brain, don't leave home without it.
    4. Most interruptions are "in your mind."
    5. If you want the right picture, you need the right lense.
    6. Most To Do's do not need to be done today.
    7. There may be many steps but there is only one action.
    8. Count on others, but trust yourself.
    9. There will always be more to do than time to do it.
    10. You can't accomplish anything big doing the little things. (Lou Holtz, from Winning Every Day)
    Focus Management Practices
    1. Free your mind
    2. Focus on the Big Picture
    3. Manage the Details
    4. Seal the Cracks
    5. Make Success Routine



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