Today I have launched a new website design. Out with the old in with the new. It's about time, I must say, the site was neglected... But now I can put time into a new page as part of my New Years resolution. Hope you enjoy.... cm

The Boy Scouts of America Troop Committee Challenge project, in which I have worked on as a Committee technical lead and designer is up and running. You can see the write up and links on this page, click here.

The BHR Varsity Football season video project consumed me for 3 weeks as I set game highlights for 12 games to music and added special effects for that ESPN Sports Center style. Fun stuff to do and the kids loved it.


I spent some time working on video production for a youth pioneer trek reunion. I really got to use Final Cut Pro to create a photo/video music montage of sorts. it's edited very tight, but it was fun. I think I could have spent another week on it, and slowed it down. But it was a success. Click here to see it

My work

On this page I will be creating projects that I need feedback to make better.


The first one is a project for the Boy Scouts of America. The Troop Committee Challenge is to train online all Boy Scout Troop committees.

Tom Beatty is the Flash Developer. I acted as a Designer and committee technical lead.

Here are the support documents that I created to work with the committee. You can see the different revisions of the design and the link above is how it ended up. As of this month it is testing with User groups to be released soon for scout training on the BSA training portal.

Click on image for PDF flier download

Microsoft Powerpoint mock-ups.

User Interface Mock Up1

TCC Screens 1